Swagbucks: Earn money for searching

13 Aug

Before a good friend shared Swagbucks.com with me, I was very skeptical about sites that offer free prizes for doing little to nothing. Doesn’t seem like it could be very good business for them, and it’s always got a catch, right?

Oh, how pleasantly surprised I was! Swagbucks rewards you with a random amount of swagbucks every time you use their search engine. They can do this because the search engine works much like Google. Results instantly, with a few “preferred” or “sponsored” ads on the sidebar.

Does it work? Yes! I’ve won up to 50 Swagbucks in a single search before! You can also earn Swagbucks through surveys, special offers, daily polls and more.

Do you really get the prizes? Absolutely. I’ve already earned 5 of the $5 Amazon gift cards to date and the beautiful thing is Amazon lets you use multiple gift cards on one purchase! You can also earn money paid directly to your Paypal account. This means you’re earning actual cash! Just be sure that the email you use to sign up for Swagbucks matches the email you use for Paypal.

What’s the catch? Nothing. I’ve been a Swagbucks member for over year and have yet to find a single downside to using the service. I get similar results that Google would offer, and I’m doing something I already do: Search the internet.

I also use their tool bar because it makes it easier for me to use the search function and keep track of my Swagbucks totals.  Some of the tips I’ve found the most useful for earning consistent Swagbucks are as follows:

1. Search but not too often: The key is to search about three times a day, or every 6 hours. For me this gets timed around meals (as has been recommended by many other bloggers). Swagbucks only rewards for “natural searching”. If you just start typing in “A” search, “B” search and so on, Swagbucks will redirect you to their terms and conditions page. So be aware they don’t reward abusers!

2. Take the daily polls: This is very easy to do and doesn’t take more than 15 seconds of your time. You’ll be rewarded with 1 Swagbuck just for participating AND you can submit poll question ideas. If your idea is selected you’ll win 100 Swagbucks!

3. Check the survey page daily: Unfortunately, one of the downsides to Swagbucks is that it’s rare to qualify for a survey. However, simply by going to the survey page you’ll win 1 Swagbuck! When you do qualify you’ll earn 50+ Swagbucks just for taking the survey. I’ve only been checking surveys for about 3 weeks now and have already successfully completed two of them for a total Swagbucks earning of 150!

4. Use the toolbar: Not only will the toolbar make it easier for you to search (and therefore win more Swagbucks), they occasionally give out special codes that you can redeem for even more Swagbucks!

5. Read the Swagbucks Blog: Quite frequently, Swagbucks hides codes redeemable for large Swagbucks rewards in the bottom of their blog posts. Be sure to check in often so you don’t miss out!

Check out this great post by Heather from Freebies 4 Mom for more tips and tricks, and if you’re new to Swagbucks don’t forget to claim your 30 free Swagbucks just for signing up!

Happy Savings! ❤

Note: Some of the links above are referral links. I will earn Swagbucks if you use them to sign up.

[tweetmeme https://freeandeasyliving.wordpress.com/2010/08/13/swagbucks-earn…-for-searching/%5D

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