Free Coloring Pages!

14 Aug

Parents and Adult Coloring Fans!

Did you know Crayola offers over 1,000 printable coloring pages for free? I printed this one yesterday for my son and a Pirate one for myself. Made for a very fun lunchtime activity. Coloring books can be very expensive these days, but sometimes plain old paper just isn’t enough fun either. For the cost of ink, you can print as many or as few pages as you’d like. To see the full list of pages, click here.

Some other websites that offer free coloring pages include:

Free Coloring Pages

Coloring Book Fun

Free Printable Coloring Pages

I also like to check my local dollar store frequently. They almost always have a large selection of full size coloring books for only $1 a piece!

Happy Savings (and Coloring!) ❤


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