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Free & Easy Living has a new location!

30 Aug

That’s right Readers! We’re moving to new real estate. All the same great deals, coupons and freebies, and all future blog posts can be found at The Facebook page has also been upgraded and can be found here! (Don’t forget to “Like” the page!)

I won’t be making any new posts here, but this blog will remain intact as it is. So be sure to bookmark the new site! Thanks for your patience and making the switch with me!

Happy Savings! ❤

Big Changes Coming!

29 Aug

Dear Readers,

Free & Easy Living will be moving locations soon! Big changes are coming and I’m very excited to be bringing you them. There will be more features, a better design and the same great content that’s always been provided!

In the mean time I’ll be keeping up on as many of the best deals as I can, but if the blog seems to be moving a little more slowly than usual, it’s because I’m busy working hard on a bigger, better site!

Happy Savings! ❤

Getting Started!

14 Aug

New to the idea of freebies, free samples, deals, coupons and more? That’s okay! Everyone has to start somewhere. It can be a little tricky though to figure out where to start to make the process as easy and painless as possible. Not to worry though. Today I’m going to share my tips and tricks for getting started in the world of Free & Easy Living.

1. Dedicate a separate email address for offers, samples and freebies: Free samples and special offers are wonderful, but usually require you to provide your email address and sign-up for the company’s newsletter. This can generate quite an email clog after a short time. In order to still take advantage of the many wonderful and free offers out there, I recommend you sign up for a new email account (any of the free services will work, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo mail, etc.). Once you’ve signed up, assign this email for freebie use only. Don’t share it with your friends and family, or they are likely to send you mail that could easily get swallowed up in the process.

2. Check in often: Many freebies and special offers expire quickly because they are so popular! Set aside a special time each day for you to check out the different offers and sign-up for the ones that interest you. Maybe it’s in the morning while you check your email and enjoy a cup of coffee before you leave for work, or perhaps it’s while the kids are at school or napping. Whenever you decide is the right time, be sure to check in often so you don’t miss out on any other deals you’re interested in!

3. Join the things that interest *you*: Take advantage of the wonderful networks the internet provides! Be sure to sign-up for blogs, forums or websites that cater to your interests. Many times the companies running them offer special deals to members only, and since it’s a community of people with your same interests, you’re likely to learn about other great deals and ideas relating to your lifestyle. For Example: here’s a great post about baby and child related clubs and websites to join!

4. Take advantage of Facebook: In an effort to better advertise and reach customers, many companies offer Facebook pages now. The wonderful thing about this is that there are often time Facebook only offers on these pages! It’s a simple as clicking the “Like” button and checking the tabs to find the special offers included within. If you’re not familiar with the in’s and out’s of Facebook then check out Facebook for Beginners.

5. You don’t have to stick with just one source! Check out other blogs, do some searching, and be in control of your deals. Living a Free & Easy lifestyle is about controlling where your money goes and enjoying a more fulfilling life on a smaller budget. Be an educated consumer! Some of the blogs that got me started on the path to enjoying freebies and deals are: Freebies4Mom, FreeSampleFreak and SavingEveryday. If you want to do your own searching, I recommend using Not only will you get similar results to your favorite search engine, you can turn those searches into earning potential!

Remember, this about taking control of how you spend your money. Be sure to have fun and leave a comment with your experience or suggested tips!

Happy Savings! ❤



13 Aug

Hello! Thanks for stopping by Free & Easy Living! I’ve been deal hunting for my family for about a year now and have learned so much. Taking advantage of the many, many coupons, freebies and special offers out there has been hugely rewarding for my family and I hope it can be for yours as well.

So who am I? Well I’m a self-proclaimed cupcake aficionado and a lover of new challenges. When not watching science fiction or playing with my son, I often find myself pondering questions without real answers. It’s definitely interfered with getting the recommended amount of beauty sleep. 😉 I am mother to the neatest little boy you will ever meet and am happily married.  I read a lot in my free time and can occasionally be found writing blog posts about cupcakes over here: The Cupcake Massacre.

Thanks for stopping by and stay tuned for lots of fun!

❤ Tanya