Tag Archives: children

Big savings with this weekend’s retail coupons!

20 Aug

Heading to the mall this weekend? Before you do, check out this great list of coupons to save a few extra bucks. Huge thanks to Your Retail Helper for compiling this list!

Happy Savings! ❤

Comparison shopping – Become.com

19 Aug

Become.com is an interesting new site in the world of comparison shopping.

I am particularily impressed with the sites ability to pull from many retailers and eBay auctions to provide a specific, easy to read list. What does this mean for you? As a frugal shopper using a site like Become.com can enable you to find that specific product for it’s lowest price possible. There’s even a coupon page!

Prices can vary widely when searching, but what I love about this feature is that you not only get to see each price you’ll pay, you get to see how large a discount that might be from the original price. Are you shopping for after school sports as your children go back to school? They have Youth League bats too, like this Easton Sv12 for as low as $129.97. Also, check out these Catcher’s gear sets for as low as $80 or these Nike cleats for as low as $28.97.

What I particularly like about using the comparison shopping feature on Become is that it gives me a good idea of what the median price is on the product I’m looking for. If I want to look at buying a tee ball bat for my son’s birthday, I can get a good idea of the average price before I start deal hunting. This way I can recognize when something might be “marked down” 50%, but is still more expensive than the average price.

Even if I find I don’t always purchase items through Become, I will be checking back in with this website over the Christmas and Birthday season to ensure I’m paying the best possible price.

What do you think of Become.com? Tell me in the comments!

Happy Savings! ❤

*I was paid to review the above website. I am not, however, being paid to provide a positive review. All opinions are honest and mine. I believe opportunities like these aren’t intended to unduly influence a blogger to provide a falsely positive review, but instead it allows for a company to ask for honest feedback from the blogging community, and provides us with incentives to take a minute from our busy blogger days to take a peak at their website. For more, see my disclosure policy, here.*

Big savings at Kohl’s!

17 Aug

I had a very successful trip to Kohl’s today! I received one of these in the mail last week from my local Kohl’s. They were recently doing a Grand Re-Opening, so I think that may be why it was sent, though I don’t know for sure. The flyer didn’t say specifically. (If you got one in the mail, leave me a comment! I’m curious if this is local or more spread out.)

As you can see it’s $10 off any purchase including sale and clearance merchandise. What a treat to find in the mailbox! Better still, the fine print on the back explained I could use it on any $10 (before tax) purchase, so there was no obligation to spend a higher amount, such as $10 off a $20 purchase.

My son’s birthday is coming up in October, so I’ve been keeping an eye out for good deals on winter clothes to set aside for his birthday. (He’s still young enough to enjoy the unwrapping more than the presents themselves.) So, I went down to Kohl’s today to check out the back-to-school sales and see how far my $10 off coupon would get me.

The answer: Pretty far!

I walked out of Kohl’s with a pair of jeans and two pairs of athletic shorts (even though winter is on the way, this is an awesome buy for our family because my son prefers to sleep in these types of shorts over traditional pajamas).

The jeans were originally $20, on sale for $11.99. The athletic shorts were originally $12 ea, on clearance for $2.40 ea. Subtract the $10 mailer coupon and

Total Paid: $7.14

Total Saved: $37.21!!!

This was a very great trip to Kohl’s today. If you didn’t get one of these coupons in your mailbox, don’t worry! Kohl’s is offering $10 off your next in-store purchase or 15% off your next Kohl’s online purchase, if you sign-up for their email newsletter in an actual Kohl’s store. Don’t have time to stop by a Kohl’s? You can still get $5 off your next in-store purchase or 10% off your next Kohl’s online purchase by signing up here.

Share your Kohl’s savings and scores with me in the comments!

Happy Savings! ❤

Always Free: iTunes U

16 Aug

Today is the first in a series of articles about things that are Always Free! Hot deals, coupons, and free samples are amazing but they come and go quickly and it’s nice to know there are companies out there that offer free products and services year round.

Today’s article is about iTunes U. I’m choosing this as my first Always Free spotlight because I feel like it gets little recognition by other freebie blogs and it really is a wonderful resource. iTunes U is much like it sounds, an iTunes based university. They offer a plethora of educational podcasts and videos on every subject imaginable. They are always free and aren’t just for students! Anyone can download from iTunes U.

Topics range from foreign languages, to history, to space and beyond. Any subject you could think of, iTunes U has at least a handful of video and audio podcasts available for free. The wonderful thing about these podcasts is that many of them are offered by respected universities around the world. Think Yale, Harvard and Oxford. That’s right. You can listen to an Oxford professor teach Critical Reasoning from the comfort of your living room. Have an iPod? Even better, you can take them with you and listen in the car, at the doctor’s or while you run on the treadmill.

They also offer K-12 learning! One of my personal favorites in the K-12 section is Teacher’s TV.

To access iTunes U, just open iTunes on your computer and go to the iTunes store link. From there, look at the tabs in the black bar running across the top of the store. (Music, Movies, etc.) Click on iTunes U and you’ll be taken to the homepage. The iTunes U homepage highlights the newest and most popular additions to the library. If you’re looking for a specific college, or campus, you can use the links in the right hand side bar. Looking for a specific subject? Just use the search bar inside of the iTunes program.

iTunes U has a goldmine of fun, free, educational programming. Apple says, “iTunes U — a powerful distribution system for everything from lectures to language lessons, films to labs, audiobooks to tours — is an innovative way to get educational content into the hands of students.” Apple also boasts that iTunes U has over 250,000 lectures, films and other resources! Now that’s a great freebie.

To see more about what Apple has to say about iTunes U click here, and if you don’t have iTunes on your computer just scroll to the bottom of the iTunes U Apple page and you’ll see a button where you can download it.

My family and I use iTunes U as a part of our cable-free life and we love it. What did you find at iTunes U? Share in the comments!

Happy Savings (and Learning)! ❤

Free World Map!

16 Aug

Get a free full size world map. I’m going to hang this one in my son’s room. While he’s still young we can practice our colors and then move on to learning country names.

Just go here to get yours! Hurry though, only 15,000 are available. Thanks goes to Mojo Savings for sharing this freebie!

Happy Savings! ❤

Free Coloring Pages!

14 Aug

Parents and Adult Coloring Fans!

Did you know Crayola offers over 1,000 printable coloring pages for free? I printed this one yesterday for my son and a Pirate one for myself. Made for a very fun lunchtime activity. Coloring books can be very expensive these days, but sometimes plain old paper just isn’t enough fun either. For the cost of ink, you can print as many or as few pages as you’d like. To see the full list of pages, click here.

Some other websites that offer free coloring pages include:

Free Coloring Pages

Coloring Book Fun

Free Printable Coloring Pages

I also like to check my local dollar store frequently. They almost always have a large selection of full size coloring books for only $1 a piece!

Happy Savings (and Coloring!) ❤

[tweetmeme https://freeandeasyliving.wordpress.com/2010/08/14/free-coloring-pages/%5D